Hexagon Group AG's Bankers Day

Hexagon Group AG invited - and (almost) everybody came. George Nette, CFO of Hexagon Group AG, welcomed more than thirty bankers. Mr. Nette kicked off the event by thanking the bankers for their support, their understanding and their co-operation extended to the entire Group AG. In the presence of Christian Wendel, President of Hexagon Group AG, and the three CEO’s of the sister companies, Mr. Nette thereafter explained the changes that have been introduced and implemented during the past six to nine months.

Cocktails and a sit down dinner rounded up the official part of the event. Rumors were saying, though, that a considerable number of bankers had been seen in the bar till late…

Hexagon Group AG wishes to thank everybody for her respectively his attendance. A similar event will be held in Singapore in two weeks.

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